Mandy Sacher, Chief Nutrition Officer,
Childhood Nutrition and Wellbeing Expert

Committed to providing parents with honest, evidence backed advice, paediatric nutritionist Mandy Sacher is one of Australia’s leading experts on childhood nutrition and wellbeing.

Concerned by the lack of reliable, consistent nutrition information available to parents, Mandy is on a mission to share her wealth of expert knowledge with families around Australia.


Mandy’s passion for childhood nutrition came to the fore when she became a mother herself, finding the vast number of ‘healthy’ products aimed at babies and children were actually far from ideal. Packed with salt, sugar and preservatives, Mandy found that many common products marketed towards parents of young children were misleading. Now, as a practising consultant, speaker, author, blogger and influencer, Mandy is sharing down-to-earth and practical advice about providing children with the best nutritional start possible.

As a fully accredited, practising Nutritionist with the Australian Traditional Medical Society and SOS feeding consultant, Mandy has worked extensively as a childhood nutrition specialist, giving one-on-one consultations, conducting workshops for families and childcare providers and collaborating with leading paediatricians and healthcare providers. Mandy has also written a 250,000-word training manual for MEND (Mind Exercise Nutrition Do It!), a ground-breaking childhood obesity prevention and treatment program based in the UK, which has also been rolled out in Australia, New Zealand and USA.

In addition to creating unique recipes for both her blog and recently published cookbook Wholesome Child, Mandy collaborates with like-minded brands to showcase products that align with her nutrition philosophy. While homemade is the best choice, Mandy understands this isn’t always practical or possible, which is why she loves to partner with like-minded producers, sharing her finds with her highly engaged audience.

Mandy has partnered with a number of infant and child foods, eating utensils and lifestyle brands including Munchkin, Aldi, Blackmores, Nourishing Bubs, Pure Good Bars, Little Bellies and Bellamy’s Organic to name a few. Mandy’s vision is to give brands that meet her exacting standards, her child-friendly seal of approval, providing parents true peace of mind amidst the raft of complicated labelling and nutrition panels. Only approving Non-GMO, preservative-free, additive-free products and foods that don’t contain added sugar or salt, Mandy hopes to make healthy eating simple and obtainable for all families.

Mandy regularly conducts a range of healthy eating workshops, including her sought-after approved shopping lists with specific product recommendations. She also works with restaurants and cafes to endorse healthy menus that children and parents will approve of. Combining expertise and credibility with her genuine commitment to childhood nutrition, Mandy provides healthy eating inspiration from the kitchen to the lunchbox and beyond.