Peanut Butter: What to Avoid!

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a beloved staple in many households, loved for its creamy texture, nutty flavour, and versatility. Whether spread on toast, added to smoothies, or enjoyed by the spoonful, peanut butter is a go-to snack for both children and adults alike.

 However, not all peanut butter is created equal when it comes to health and nutrition. So it's best to choose wisely and follow this guide on what to avoid in peanut butter to ensure you're making the best choices for your overall well-being. So let's dive in and discover how to select peanut butter that will satisfy your kid's taste buds while supporting their nutrition.

1. Sugar and Sweeteners:

 One of the main culprits to watch out for in peanut butter is added sugars. Some brands may add sweeteners like cane sugar, corn syrup, or even artificial sweeteners to enhance the taste. Consuming excessive added sugars can lead to blood sugar spikes, tooth decay and diabetes and heart disease later in life. Instead, opt for natural peanut butter that contains no added sugars. If your child prefers the taste of sweet peanut butter, control the amount by adding it in yourself and opting for healthier alternatives like raw or Manuka honey or pure maple syrup. Top it with sliced bananas or strawberries for a naturally sweet topping.

2. Hydrogenated Oils:

 Another ingredient to be cautious of is hydrogenated oils, which are used to prevent separation and increase shelf life. Hydrogenated oils contain trans fats, which have been linked to inflammation, heart disease, and other health issues. Look for peanut butter brands that avoid the use of any added oils. Peanuts are naturally rich in peanut oil, so it's unnecessary to see any additional oils or fats listed as ingredients in your peanut butter spread.

3. Excessive Salt:

While a pinch of salt can enhance the flavour of peanut butter, excessive sodium levels should be avoided, especially for babies, toddlers, individuals with high blood pressure or those looking to reduce their sodium intake. Instead, choose peanut butter with lower sodium content or unsalted varieties to better control your salt intake.

4. Artificial Additives and Preservatives:

Some peanut butter brands may add artificial additives and preservatives to maintain a longer shelf life or alter the texture and taste. These ingredients can include artificial flavours, colours, and stabilisers. Be especially wary of the following: Preservative 320 (BHA). This prevents vegetable oil from oxidising and is present in many popular varieties. Instead, opt for peanut butter that contains minimal ingredients and is free from artificial additives or preservatives for a healthier option.

5. Non-Organic and Contaminants:

Conventionally grown peanuts may contain pesticide residues, and some peanut butter brands may not prioritise using organic peanuts. By choosing organic peanut butter, you can reduce your exposure to harmful pesticides and support more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.

OK, BETTER, BEST Peanut Butter Brands


  1. Macro Organic Peanut Butter

  2. Ceres Organic Peanut Butter

  3. Honest to Goodness Peanut Butter


  1. Pics Peanut Butter

  2. Byron Bay Peanut Butter

  3. Mayvers Unsalted Peanut Butter


  1. Sanitarium Natural Peanut Butter

  2. Bega Simply Nuts No Added Salt

Remember, peanut butter can be a nutritious and delicious addition to a balanced diet, but it's essential to be mindful of the ingredients when making your selection. To ensure you're enjoying the healthiest options, choose peanut butter without added sugars, hydrogenated oils, excessive salt, artificial additives, and preservatives. Consider opting for organic varieties to minimise pesticide exposure. By being an informed consumer and making smarter choices, your family can enjoy the goodness of peanut butter while supporting your health and nutrition goals.

 Remember, always read the labels carefully, compare different brands, and choose the peanut butter that aligns with your dietary preferences and overall well-being. Your taste buds and your body will thank you!




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